Find Out Who Working On This Line Via Gitlens

Yusuf Akhsan H.
3 min readMay 13, 2019


Collaboration in a project is very fun, besides being able to exchange ideas, vinegar supports the project to be finished soon. But of course everything will not run smoothly, there are times when there is a dispute, especially when a bug appears and accuses each other of who is guilty. But thanks to git we are facilitated in these things, see history and check per character, who produced the bug. And now it is more easily facilitated by the presence of GitLens, displaying in realtime in the code editor, who has done the modification / coding on the selected line. For now, GitLens can only run on Visual Studio Code, and here it is very much sharing my experience when using GitLens.

Instalation on VsCode

In the extension search page, do a search for the GitLens keyword, make sure it is made by Eric Amodio, as shown below.

And as usual, make sure to reload VSCode after installing the new extension.

How It Work

Fitur yang paling sering saya gunakan adalah, untuk mengetahui siapa yang mengetik pada line tertentu ketika kursor diklik pada baris tertentu. Seperti pada gambar dibawah.

The feature I use most often is, to find out who is typing on a particular line when the cursor is clicked on a particular line. As in the picture below..

Other cool features :

On the left side, you will get an additional Gitlens menu, containing anything related to git.

Gitlens Explorer

Like branches that are active, list branch, remote list, list tags, and other things you can do with the git command in the terminal. By clicking on it like this, your job may be lighter than having to type. But because I am familiar with the commands, or the built-in Linux terminal completions, everything is easy.

Gitlens History

This is the completeness of the history feature that can be seen when clicking on the line code. By opening a file in the editor, this section will contain all the history made by the developers on the file, the more commits, the more displayed lines.


For more information about GitLens, please visit the official website at

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Yusuf Akhsan H.

if you do not want to do, don’t do. If you want to do, do it effectively and efficiently.